The engraving technology is making printing technology more efficient, improving the making of images. This was one of the most demanding stages. You needed to design, make cuts and do everything manually. But with the engraving becoming automated, you can now design and engrave in minutes if not seconds.
Electronic engraving is one of the fast-growing engraving technologies. The process uses a machine designed with an electronically-controlled diamond knife. It is the knife that engraves the copper surface of the gravure printing cylinder. It carves cells that eventually create the required graphic. However, the issue of quality is very crucial when it comes to electronic engraving gravure printing.
There are several factors you need to consider to ensure best quality printing. That’s what we have for you in this guide. Read through the below three factors to understand to proper electronic engraving gravure printing:
1. The Size and Depth of the Mesh Electronic Engraving
One of the critical factors that you need to get the right electronic engraving mesh. It is a very crucial element that, if gotten wrong, you will have a problem with quality print. Depending on the features you want to get from the print, you need to know the size and the depth of the mesh or etched cells. Note that the amount of ink used determines the clarity of the printed image.
You need to consider so many things when selecting the size of the mesh hole as well as its depth. One of them is the kind of machine that you are using. The strength of the diamond stylus is one of the factors that determines the depth of the cells. Therefore, if the requirement is to have a certain size and depth of the etchings, the electronic engraving machine must meet the specifications. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to deal with this kind.
The angle of the engraving needle or stylus is another crucial element that may determine the etched mesh’s size and depth. This should go together with the number lines that the diamond stylus is producing. The widely used standard is where the machine should is at 70 lines/cm and the stylus at 130 degrees.
2. Overprinting Error
To ensure high-quality standards with electronic engraving, you need to get rid of or avoid errors associated with poor printing. One of these errors is overprinting. It is a very common problem, especially with multi-colored printing. The error occurs when you print one color on top of another color. This is a very important factor to consider with the curved concave plate.
The problem is usually associated with poor permission, which eventually reduces the quality of the print. So make sure that the setup is free from this kind of errors. The machine set up should get checked before starting with printing. Carry out some test runs first. That’s how these quality lowering problems can get fixed.
Overprinting can also be a result of a faulty machine hence causing damages. Have it checked in case you encounter such problems.
3. Print Density Value
The other requirement that you need to consider is the print density value. This is the amount of ink used for the printing of certain substrates. You can also call it the clarity of the printed image regarding the amount of ink used. The printed graphic must be clear and visible from the recommended distance. However, several factors determine the print density value.
The first one is the density of the monochrome imprint. The second one is the color print density range, and this usually includes the bright light density range and the dark density range. The dark tone density is crucial for graphic visibility and needs a very bright color to contrast it. That’s why the two of them should balance properly for printing.
In conclusion, there are the key specific requirements for high-quality electronic engraving gravure printing. The size of the etchings and the choice of the colors are very crucial factors. You can approach the etching in many ways. Today, ceramic knives are becoming increasingly popular with printers because of the flexibility and super performance. You need to check them out.